10 Weirdest Items That Kids Put Into Their Nose

Have you come across kids who put anything they get into their nose?

Putting something up their nose is a very common thing for toddlers to do. While fingers are the commonest to bore inside the tiny nasal passages, these parents had a bigger list to give.

After speaking to toddler parents, here is a compiled list of all the weird items that these naughty kids have put up their tiny nostrils.

Starting from the least common item to the commonest one, here is the list.

10. Lego Pieces

Toddlers love playing with Lego and other such building games. While building blocks are quite big in size, Lego pieces are tiny enough to fit through the nostril.

9. Tissue Paper

Tissue paper is a child’s favourite given the texture and the ease to tear it up. Toddlers tend to make it into small bits and roll them up to fit it into their nostril.

8. Crayons

Crayons tend to break quite often, and kids love to put these tiny bits that fit into their nose whenever available.

7. Marbles

While this may sound scary and weird that such a big, round marble can possibly fit inside the tiny nostril of a toddler, it is a very common object that kids put up their nose. Keep an eye on your little monkey, while he/she plays with such tiny objects.

6. Cereals

A favourite finger food, parents usually let the child eat cereals on his/her own. While parents feel they are aiding the motor skills and development of their child, little do they know that their kid is up to some mischief with the cereals. Many times, they tend to put the cereal up the wrong hole (read nostrils) instead of their mouth. Being hygroscopic in nature, cereals tend to swell up in the nostril causing a lot of pain.

5. Playdough

Playdough is a very common playing tool for kids to put up their nostrils. Since the dough can be moulded into any form and shape, kids are fascinated by it and try putting it up their nose.

4. Nuts & Bolts

You may feel how can a kid get hold of nuts and bolts. Well, there are times when nuts or bolts come lose from your shelves or they fall off from the toolbox. Whatever be the case, these are quite commonly inserted inside the nose by kids.

3. Peanuts

Kids just love their nose and those two mysterious holes. Peanuts are something which they tend to start eating once they become toddlers. Finger foods like peanuts are very commonly inserted up the nose.

2. Peas

Peas are again finger foods which kids love to pick and eat. While eating they get playful and put it inside their nose.

1. Beads

Yes, you read it right. Beads! Beads top the list of the commonest items that kids put up their nose. Kids get hold of beads by invading your wardrobe or playing around with some jewellery lying around. Being very inquisitive in nature, your kid tries to push the bead down any hole, his/her nose being the most common.

Toddlers like to explore their body and put small items up their nose as a part of this exploration. While this is totally natural, it can be dangerous as they tend to put random things up their nostrils.

All the motor and sensory skill development that can be achieved by letting kids play around with these items is all fine and good. But it becomes a deal-breaker when the kids start putting things up their nose and it gets stuck there. While most of these objects aren’t harmful, it is not a healthy habit to put things up your nose.

If your kid happens to put something up his/her nose, these are some strategies that you can try for immediate help.

First, tell your child to stop sniffing and breathe through the mouth instead.

1. Gently Blow The Nose

Easier said than done for a toddler. But if you can manage to get your toddler to blow out air through his/her nose, then that could help move things safely out of the way.

2. Use Tweezers

Only if you can see the object, try removing with the help of a tweezer. If you can’t, then stop right away. Using fingers or tweezers would only push the object further inside the nasal cavity.

3. Try Mouth-To-Mouth

Make your child sit and occlude the open nostril with your finger. Now firmly seal your child’s mouth with your mouth and deliver short and firm puffs of air into your child’s mouth. The object should come out.

If it does not come out, consult your physician immediately and rush to the emergency department of your nearest hospital.

How Can You Prevent Such Episodes From Repeating?

Be vigilant. While you can’t baby-proof everything around your kid, be attentive while your kid is playing. If there is an awkwardly long silence, investigate your kid and see what they have been upto. Confiscate small objects and confine your kid in a safe area. If you catch them trying to stick something into their mouth, nose or ears, do not shout or get angry. Calmly explain the importance of keeping these things away from their body parts and be prepared to explain this to them every single time again and again.

What has your child put up his/her nose? Do let us know. If you have such an experience, do share it with us.

Picture Credits – D. Sharon Pruitt Pink Sherbet Photography/Getty Images

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