Aphthous Ulcers: Why Won’t Your Child Eat Or Talk?

Natasha Sharma’s three-year-old son was an active and chatty preschooler. But on the first day of school, Ayan suddenly came home and stopped talking. He developed high-grade fever and was not ready to eat anything. “If anyone came home to meet Ayan, he would snap at them and as them to go away”, says Ayan’s mom. He would not eat his favourite food which he was once eating almost daily. He refused to drink plain water but would drink sweetened or flavoured water. Thinking that it is a phase, his mom let him be.

Whenever she tried getting him to eat or talk, he would just shy away and cover his mouth. He just didn’t want to go to school and would be sleeping all day. On a school visit the next day, Natasha got to know from a fellow parent that two kids from Ayan’s class had fought with him and they had pushed him. She then spoke to the principal who said would look into the matter. On coming home, she spoke to Ayan about the incident, but he still kept quiet. On coaxing more, he opened up a little and told that he doesn’t like the boy who fought with him. He then showed his tongue and complained of pain and burning. On seeing his red ulcerated tongue, Natasha got worried and immediately took him to the physician.

When Natasha described her son’s complaints, it sounded like Ayan had aphthous ulcers. Mouth ulcers also are known as aphthous ulcers are small, shallow lesions that appear on the soft tissues of your mouth or at the base of your gums. Mouth ulcers are not contagious but can be very painful thereby creating difficulty in eating and talking.

Ayan was given a homoeopathic remedy and he got better within two days. He had started eating his routine diet and had returned to his usual self of chatting and playing.

Causes Of Mouth Ulcers

Though the exact cause of mouth ulcers is unclear, the following are the possible factors that contribute to the development of mouth ulcers.

1. Trauma

Any minor injury to your mouth caused by dental work, rough brushing, sports injuries, or cheek bites etc. can cause ulcers in your mouth.

2. Food Sensitivity

Some foods like chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, cheese, bread, spicy foods and hot foods are known to act as irritants which cause ulcers.

3. Emotional Stress

Stress in any form is known to have adverse effects in your body’s normal functioning. One such result is a mouth ulcer which is common due to stress.

4. Improper Nutrition

A diet lacking in vitamin B12, zinc, folate, iron, etc. can cause oral mouth ulcers. Correcting the deficiency can make you feel better.

5. Helicobacter Pylori

  1. pylori is the same bacteria which causes stomach ulcers. These bacteria can be present in your oral mucosa (linings of the mouth) and cause mouth ulcers.

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

1. Honey

Apply some plain honey over your ulcers every few hours. Honey being antimicrobial in nature also possesses wound healing properties which hasten the natural healing process and reduce the irritation and swelling in your mouth caused by the ulcers.

2. Coconut Milk

Gargle with coconut milk for a few minutes and rinse your mouth with clean water to get rid of mouth ulcers. Repeat this 3-4 times a day. Fresh coconut milk has a soothing effect on your ulcers and helps relieve your pain. You will start eating normally once your pain subsides.

3. Teabags

Tea being alkaline in nature helps neutralize acids that irritate the oral mucosa causing ulcers. Tea also helps alleviate the pain and gives you relief. Apply a damp tea bag to the ulcer sore for 5 minutes for instant relief.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known as the first aid plant as it has multiple healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The aloe vera gel can hasten healing and soothe the ulcer. Apply some aloe vera gel on the mouth ulcer to get instant relief.

5. Nutrition

Mouth ulcers are usually known to be caused due to nutritional deficiency. Improve your intake of foods like yoghurt, berries, eggs, milk, nuts, seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables etc. to fulfil your nutritional deficits.

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